How do you obtain collaboration across the organization?
High performance teams and organizations
Getting to collaboration is a tall order for most organizations although working together inside an organization is something that all people are expected to master.
The desire to get to collaboration must be very strong and merely deciding on it, and asking the organization to deliver on it, is not going to cut it.
Essentially collaboration is a very good “habit”, leading to outstanding results and perseverance in any organization. To become one, collaboration must be ordered and inspired by the Executive Board, led by managers and trained by every employee in the organization. No measure leading to collaboration should be taken off the table until the organization master and is able to sustain it.
Performance management, change management, learning and development as well as consistency, transparency and courage are all needed measures and traits in the provision of collaboration.
Executive Connect offers to explore which maturity level the Client organization is currently on with regards to getting to collaboration, providing valuable insights on timing, ROI and planning elements.
For further information please also read: “Collaboration – How to get to it.”